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Submit your images

About your sample

Please select a pathogen from the drop down list, or you may select ‘other’ which will reveal a text box so that you may add your pathogen to the growing list.
Please select a crop from the drop down list, or you may select ‘other’ which will reveal a text box so that you may add your crop to the growing list.
Please give a concise description or explanation of the image. For example, ‘this image is of an unusual ….’ Or ‘this image shows a perfectly average … showcasing normal color morphology.’
Provide the origin of your sample. The country of origin can influence the outcome of the sample and is valuable to the community to better understand the information given to us.

About the environment

The environment can have an impact on the morphology of the target organism (i.e. size, shape and color). This information is not mandatory, but the more information you can provide, the more useful this publication will be to the community.

Please describe what (if any) chemical or sterilizing technique you used to remove the surface bacteria and spores. Common responses to this question are: NaOCl of various percentages (this is the active ingredient in bleach), or Ethanol of various percentages.
Please include the length of time the seed was exposed to the pretreatment. Common responses are: 10 min, 4 min or variations between those.
Please include the length of time the colony has been growing in the incubation chamber. Common responses are: 5 days, 7 days, 10 days or 14 days.
Please include the temperature (or temperature range) of the incubation chamber. Common responses would be: 22+/-2C, 25+/-2C. Or variations, but please include this temperature in Celsius.
Please describe the lighting of the incubation chamber. Common responses would be: fluorescent, nUV, sunlight, darkness, or combinations thereof.
Please include media components that the colony is grown on. Commonly used agars for fungal growth would be PDA or MEA, but there is a wide variety of growth media for specialty purposes, such as bacterial growth or for long term storage. The text box has a very large character limit, so you can include all cocktail ingredients, if desired
Premixed ingredients can be purchased by several suppliers for specialty agars. Even though the published ingredients for these may have the exact same levels, ingredients and pH, changing the manufacturer/brand can have enormous impacts on colony morphology. This is not to find which manufacturer is ‘better’ or ‘worse,’ it is to document differences for learning and training purposes.
It is most common that labs use a 90mm diameter or 100mm diameter petri dish size, but this is not always the case. Not all users are able to submit scale bars on uploaded images, so please use this text box to include the plate diameter so we can more accurately compare between images.
Not all labs are capable of utilizing DNA diagnostics. If you know the genotype of the colony, or if you feel comfortable sharing the primers and/or probes that you used for diagnosis, please input that information here.

About you

Whom does the image being submitted belong to? Please include authorship/ownership with the person who took the image, and the company (if any) who has the image rights.
Enter your company's name. This is not mandatory, but if available, it will be added to the watermark.
Please leave an email for who is submitting the images. You will receive a link giving you updates on the status of your image submission, and when/if the images are approved and published on the...